What is your business outlook for 2020?

Indonesia is one of the biggest online markets worldwide. This is a huge potential for the industry, with more than 13 years of experience our users have reached 21 million and 3.5 million for PC and Mobile users respectively. Megaxus offers total solutions for our partners including:

  • Games publishing (Mobile, Browser & PC games) for SEA region and global market player,
  • Games development, 
  • Payment solutions, and 
  • Business process outsourcing services (BPO).

By consistently adding more products and contents to our line up, our user base consistently grows over time. Besides through our own database system, we reach our user base also through social media. We have total Facebook fans 2 million+, total Twitter followers 60.000+ and 300.000+ total instagram follower from total each games.

Players in Indonesia spent a total of $1.1 billion on games last year 2018, making it one of the biggest games markets in Southeast Asia.We believe the future outlook is still very positive and will develop more rapidly in the future and we have an important role in this industry.

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